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Little Miss Bookmark

Just a blog about books ... the good, the bad and the very ugly.


I'm not ashamed to say that I totally judge a book by it's cover.

Currently reading

The Mark of the Dragonfly
Jaleigh Johnson
Lori Adams
One Tiny Lie
K.A. Tucker
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak

Psycho USA: Famous American Killers You Never Heard Of

Psycho USA: Famous American Killers You Never Heard Of - Harold Schechter Kinda creeped out and horribly excited about reading this book!!

I won Psycho USA: Famous American Killers You Never Heard Of through the Goodreads First Read Giveaway on 08/23/2012 and received on 09/04/2012!

I was really surprised with how much I enjoyed this book! I absolutely LOVED how Schechter would state what authors were influenced by certain murders and where they used that inspiration. I found that to be a wonderful surprise when I started the book.

You hear about all of these horrific stories from not too long ago and the media makes it seem like it is the first incident of it's kind ... in reality, I learned that that isn't the case.

Such an intriguing book ... one I'll definitely read again because I'm sure in all of my (rushed) reading that I missed some important details. I need to learn to slow down and enjoy a story without rushing through it just to see what happens next!

Very interesting book - easy to pick up and put down because there are tons of small stories in this mammoth book!