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Little Miss Bookmark

Just a blog about books ... the good, the bad and the very ugly.


I'm not ashamed to say that I totally judge a book by it's cover.

Currently reading

The Mark of the Dragonfly
Jaleigh Johnson
Lori Adams
One Tiny Lie
K.A. Tucker
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak

Onyx (A Lux Novel)

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout Oh, Onyx. So many things to say and not enough time ... just finished this one ... I'm going to have to sit back and decompress and process everything that just happened before I write my review ...

After sitting back for a while and contemplating everything ... I'm still confused. Not by the writing - it's stellar ... I still love how this writer is a no-frills kind of lady with her style (writing that is). I'm confused about the story line ... where in the world can it go next? Who am I going to love and then hate, who am I going to hate and then love ... it's a jumble of emotions with this book. I'm freaked out by what is happening and then it's fine. Or everything is all good and then ... BOOM ... mind blown.

Great series ... I'm already reading #3 which is why this review will be a little short ... I have to get back into Katy's world and find out what is happening now.

Pick up the first one in the series, you won't be disappointed. It's light-hearted and fun, the characters are so realistic and sassy ... love it.