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Little Miss Bookmark

Just a blog about books ... the good, the bad and the very ugly.


I'm not ashamed to say that I totally judge a book by it's cover.

Currently reading

The Mark of the Dragonfly
Jaleigh Johnson
Lori Adams
One Tiny Lie
K.A. Tucker
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak

Loula Is Leaving for Africa

Loula Is Leaving for Africa - Anne Villeneuve Poor Loula! While reading this, I imagined that the triplets were three of our youngest son. And I shuddered. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Well ... maybe I would.

Such a sweet story! I was really captivated by this book. The illustrations are adorable and the story line is something that most parents have been through.

I loved how all of the characters were written ... I think that my favorite speaking character was Gilbert ... he was so sweet and patient and played along with Loula.

Now ... my favorite non-speaking character is the cat that speaks giraffe! It doesn't get much cuter than that!