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Little Miss Bookmark

Just a blog about books ... the good, the bad and the very ugly.


I'm not ashamed to say that I totally judge a book by it's cover.

Currently reading

The Mark of the Dragonfly
Jaleigh Johnson
Lori Adams
One Tiny Lie
K.A. Tucker
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak

Tandem: The Many-Worlds Trilogy, Book I

Tandem - Anna Jarzab I can't begin to explain how much I wanted to love this book. I really did. I love me some dystopian/futuristic young adult stuff. But this one ... well ... it was interesting ... parallel worlds with you in it but it's not you, it's another version of you ... sometimes a better version, sometimes a worse version ... come on. That's some good shit! But it just fell flat for me.

The writing wasn't bad. The story line wasn't bad. Character development, the back story ... all okay. But that's all it was for me. Just okay. When I first saw the cover, it knocked my socks off! Yes, I judge books by their cover. You do too, so don't judge me. The cover is cool as hell and then the blurb on the back just pulled me in. I couldn't wait to get started on this one. And then it just dropped off for me. The sad thing was that I got about halfway through the book when it started to happen and then it was just a flat-liner from there on out.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad book. So if you like semi-dystopian and futuristic stuff, this might be the best thing you've ever read. A lot of people really liked it. The characters are pretty well written ... I liked the heroine of the story quite a bit. The men that are pulling her into different directions are pretty okay as well. Oh, I did like her grandfather. He had a soft spot for her just like my grandpa had for me ... so I automatically loved him. It just wasn't a BAM!!-Emeril Lagasse type of story for me.

Now, since I liked the premise of this novel so much, I might pick up the next book just to see if it hooks me. You guys should check it out too! You never know ...

** http://littlemissbookmark.blogspot.com/ **